Perfection Screams a Weary Name

Hui Ying Y.

  • I come up with ideas of what to write primarily through observation. I drown out the constant bombardment of information and focus on the niches in daily life, such as the angle of the sunlight or the faint humming of the refrigerator. I let my imagination run wild with scenarios, and when I come across one that really resonates with me, I write it out. The best part about this form of impulse writing is how I can build upon these stories when new moments inspire me; in other words, this process never really ends. This continuity and the mystery of what I will write next creates this aura of excitement, something that drives me to keep scribbling and exploring.

  • Creativity is a second home that I can return to. It is a different world that I can escape to, where societal values cannot confine me. There is only one rule: unleash. As my thoughts spill across the A5 pages of my journal, I don't feel the sore in my wrist, but rather the pure freedom I have.


Swirling Water


3 poems