Moths, What Is Fate, Seer

Jenna E.

  • My artistic process is healing. I write to express all the things I never could say out loud. My creative writing forces me to examine the rough and raw parts of myself and turn them into gold, something that can be used to further both myself and society. When I write, I embody the voices of those told to shut up, be small, and take up less space. I write to make other people just as loud as I have become. I truly believe what separates humans from all other things is our ability to create and develop language in order to communicate. In Frankenstein, the creature has an ability to communicate that shows just how human it is; we become monsters when our expression is ignored or concealed. I am trying to raise the next generation of advocates in a heavily censored world. My writing is bold and unique, I like to take ignored parts of nature like moths and raise interesting philosophical questions about their symbolic purpose. A lot of my artistic process is emotional, there is no logical means to my writing, no formula, no calculator. It is all written by chance and by inspiration. It is all fated and a product of experience.

  • To me, creativity is synonymous with freedom. When I write, I purge the many thoughts caught in my head and heart and allow room for energies of growth and love to replace them. Creativity is there for those who are ready to break the cycle of sameness and consistency in order to pursue liberosis.


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