Love at Last and His Masterpiece

Bella D.

  • For a majority of the artwork that I make, and end up liking, all ties into a certain memory or feeling that I strongly connect too. It’s important that the pieces I create all relate together to show different aspects of myself, whether they be positive or negative emotions. For a lot of my poetry I like having the theme of either toxicity or heartbreak. I write these types of poems because it allows me to use imagery to create a darker perspective. I think it’s important to explore different narratives in writing because it can allows for myself to be more personal in my work, but at the same time it hard to write something about an event, or person in your life, because it means being vulnerable in a way where everyone can see you, which can be terrifying sometimes.

  • It means to create something that can elicit different emotions but still have a strong meaning and connection to yourself. It can range from expressing positive to negative feelings, and can even relate to events that happened in your own life.




Why I Write