Lined Shadows


  • Something that pops out right away in this image to me are the multiple patterns and different types of lines on the building also, the repetition of the building. There’s a sharp triangular shadow pattern covering most of the building which allows the parts not covered in shadow to really pop out. Yet, the shadow enhances the image a lot because it makes a very geometric and interesting pattern that catches your eye. I feel like exposing the shadow to create that hard contrast brings a lot of personality to my photo as well.

    Also, the building itself looks really bizarre. It made me stop for a bit because I couldn’t really remember the last time seeing a structure like this. The cubed terraces popping out make a pattern kind of reminiscent of a pyramid. The brick wall on the building also creates another geometrical pattern. I personally feel that I could get lost in this building for a very long time.

  • Creativity to me means expressing yourself in any original way, more specifically the way we choose to live is creative. Creativity lies in almost every choice we make, whether it’s artistic or not. Creativity and expressing ourselves is our identity.


The Deep Blue Ocean


Coffee Mackerel