
Ella M.

  • Making my artwork is like a way for me to capture my own thoughts in an image. I think one of the things that I love the most about photography is that, though we are all looking at the same picture, not everyone will have the same perspective, or feeling as others. When I take most of my pictures, I typically go based on the way that I am currently feeling, for instance if I am having a bad day, I may want my images to have a very melancholy, or confusing feel to them. Sometimes I will choose a way that is very specific to me, almost as if it is a mask to all of my viewers. I like this technique because it allows people to view my work without ever truly knowing the intent behind it. When I go through the process of creating a “good image” lighting is one of the most important steps, followed by taking lots of pictures in different positions. Besides creating work based on how I feel about the image, I think it is always very important to take into consideration how your audience may react.

  • To me creativity means, expressing myself in an original way, whether it be through art or even my style. I don't think there is a single person that can't be creative, any thought or idea that you have that you didn't take from somebody else, to me is creative.


majestic magic


Out of the Silence