
Lev A.

  • After reading Emily Dickinson’s poem: “Hope” is the thing with feathers, I was inspired to write my poem. Her poem laid the foundation for the concise, meaningful, and influential format that I was trying to replicate. Dickinson masterfully crafted a three stanza poem about an idea as deep and complex as hope. Following Dickinson’s exceptional format, I created my poem about the notion of happiness. Happiness can be complex, but at its core, it is a simple value. It is that simplicity that I tried to capture and portray in my poem. I am asking my reader to contemplate the notion that happiness will always find a way into your life: even when times are most dire, when everything you love and strive for seems to crumble around you. Everyone has an opportunity to find their happiness in life. Yet, not all people find their happiness at the same time or in the same manner. Some find their true happiness in a matter of months while others can take decades to find their happiness since it is not a universal experience. After all, happiness comes in all forms, shapes, and sizes and is unique to every single person.

  • Creativity is the gift of free expression without restrictions or expectations. For me, creativity is about being able to create works of art without having to worry about what others may think or adhering to certain social standards. It is the freedom to create work that stems from the soul.




And So She Wept