Free Form

Elyse B.

  • Over the past year, as an artist I challenged myself to explore the concept of a portrait. For every shoot, my goal was to capture the unique personality of everyone of my models. This specific piece is by my favorite, as it really captures the idea of in the moment. During this shoot, I wanted to take a photo of my model's silhouette so asked them to stand in front of the window as the golden sun peered through the curtains. I proceeded to ask my model to "Move in a way that made them feel happy" and my model began to dance. We laughed as their moves would switched between elegant plies in the air to break dancing on the floor. It was such a fun experience and gave me the opportunity to get this amazing pose. To be in the essence of the moment and enjoy the process of capturing movement makes for an interesting composition.

  • The first thing that comes to mind when I think of creativity is art. Art comes in so many different forms but what makes it universally tied to creativity is the process an artist takes in expressing their ideas into something tangible. Creativity is everywhere and a part of everyone.


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