Fowl Iridescence

Caitlin G.

  • At the start of my freshman year, I began taking photography. In the beginning, it was just a class that I was taking to fulfill a requirement. However, as I progressed through the assignments, photography quickly grew on me, and I developed a real passion for it. Whenever I look through the lens, it allows me to frame and reframe reality. I am always looking for possibilities in each and every moment. This new way of seeing extends from behind the camera and infuses everything I do.

    My image, titled Fowl Iridescence, was taken spontaneously while spending time with my chickens. The contrast of light and dark, along with the shimmer from the iridescent feathers, makes this image feel hopeful. Whether it's represented as seeing the good in the bad, the light in the dark, or the positive in the negative, this image shows that oxymoronic situations can coexist in nature and even beyond, such as in society.

  • Creativity is being able to look through a lens and press the button at the exact instance to capture the essence of the entire moment in a still photograph. In photography, it's difficult to replicate a certain frame. This allows me to make unique photographs even if the subject remains the same.


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