
Gabe P.

  • The reason I choose this photo is because I really like the look and feeling of It. The sky in this photo is one of the best parts because in the original photo there was no sky it was covered with clouds. But I fixed it and now when you see the sky it pops if I had one emotion for this picture it would be wow. And when I see this imagine some sort crime seen cause the sky is gloomy and all cloudy out feels like the person in the wheel is taking a picture of a crime scene.

    How I take photos is I find the right scenario or if that spot pops. Say there was a nice cloudy blue sky out I would use that as a frame for the picture more of a background. Its like taking a picture of someone standing over a hill with a big blue ocean behind them.Its just focuses on what you think what you want to picture it. You dont randomly take a picture there is always a reason why you took it. My main thing to take pictures off our using stuff as frame for a person like a the hole in a paper towel it's perfect for a camera or an eye. And I like to have bright colors in my pictures like a bright hat or clothes. I like them cause they pop. I just feel that if you take a image there is no reason to rush take your time cause the more time you can take to perfect it the better. You cant have a artistic process if your not creative. Creativity is one of the most import things about photography cause when your creative your more original and take your image a way someone wouldn't have or thought have.

  • Creativity to me is being original and inventing your own things.

    Like legos when you build them you choose what you want to build with creativity.


Split Earth


The Forsaken