A Meeting of Two Souls

Samuel G.

  • Many people draw, paint and orate to express their passion. I write my passion. Writing for me was a process that I refined over my academic career. My writings are usually mandatory essays for history or language arts. It was initially quite nebulous when I first conceive of it. When I work in the background, that cloudy image manifests a more realized shape as I consider the structure of my essay.

    Then, it's time to put the pen on the paper as I compose my work. I usually improvise at the moment, considering the requirements that the teacher gives to us , and act accordingly to each paragraph topic. One of the main topics that I had to learn in my AP US history class was to analyze topics in-depth and think about the context of each event. I think these exercises in knowledge serve me well when I am writing to my teachers.

    I decide to make some allusions to other works and personal experiences that I have to make my essay unmistakably me. Personal experiences are ones that I can write about the best because they directly affected me and sometimes such experiences affect us all, such as the advent of the connected world.

    After I make my final touches, it's time for me to send that essay to the teacher. They give my hard work full marks. I could've ended my essay right there and called it a day. But I want to tell you, my friend, how I could be able to appease the rigorous demands from my teachers and have fun at the same time.

    The answer is to read what other authors have to offer and read what you want to read. My favorite topics are usually the ones that connect to my status quo, such as Video games, Cars, and Contemporary history. While reading, really examine how the authors write and what words resonate with you the most. By connecting yourself to the work, you become more grounded and hone the abilities to make works of your own right. Through my writing, my passion can help others know what makes me, me. Overclocked, yet introverted, love to have trance pound in his ears, yet prefers to rest after a long day’s work. But whatever challenges await me, I;kk always tackle them with passion.

  • Expressing my emotion through my words.


my pain reeks joy

