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Nature Landscape
I thought of this idea because I like to go to a lot of nature landscapes with family.
The Stars Blossom
When thinking of a concept that I would like to do, I was reminded of early chinese art, and thinking of paintings about it, I was reminded of 2 things, Chinese Yo-Kai (Yaoguai: a term for monsters or strange creatures.), and the paintings that are cities amongst the mountain side, so I took inspiration from the likes of Ai Wei-Wei, and other artists that shown the Yaoguai, and I chose this artist and movement with the cherry blossoms because china is known for its art and nature, Ai Wei-Wei was the earliest chinese painter in chinese history, and the cherry blossoms normally bloom by late winter/early spring, so this painting is taking place during a night on either mid-february or early march.
Something Precious
This is a charcoal piece of a still life we constructed in the center of our classroom.
Old Fashioned Mustang
I have always loved old fashioned cars and decided to complete this piece that combines this love with art.
Day of the Dead
This piece was created for AP art. For AP art I am making different pieces based of different cultures, mediums, and compositions.
I made a piece to explore how change is always occurring naturally in the world.
Space Mind
Meant to be a self portrait of how I can represent myself and my mind, the hair is a representation of my mind and how open it can be leading to all the ideas and colors flowing through my head.
Everyone daydreams when they’re bored. I often find myself indulging in imaginary worlds and escaping from reality when given the chance.