Banana Slug

Claire P.

clay, glaze

  • This artwork is a large sculpture of a banana slug. I created this because I thought the idea of making something that is normally tiny into an expanded, large version was a very cool concept. To make this piece, I started with a base of newspaper and masking tape. After covering this in clay, I added and sculpture specific features to make it look like a banana slug. After it came out of the kiln, I used many different colors of glaze to create the look of a banana slug primarily using yellow. This piece took me about 2 months to create as it is such a large project. It truly inspires me as it proves that small things can be big too.

  • To me, creativity is the expression of yourself without the ideas or input of others. Sculpture has given me an outlet to organically be myself and create anything and everything that comes to my mind, truly expressing the creative side of my brain.


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