When the Sky Turns Grey

Saara P.

  • This flash fiction piece is based on a younger sister grappling with the death of her older sister so many years ago. Reluctant to leave, her Nonna persuades her to go, to allow her to heal and come to terms with what happened as she fulfills her sister’s dream of attending this university. As the sun sets and the sky turns grey, the protagonist faces the bittersweet reality of moving on, holding onto memories while stepping forward. I wanted to try and have some emotional significance in a background element, and also set it in spring, because so many tragic things happen when it’s dark and stormy, but I wanted to explore what happens when it’s only dark and stormy on the inside, as it often is.

  • Creativity is a chance to explore scenarios we might never be in, or wish to be in, or dread to be in, a chance to express some sort of emotion and dream up an adventure. It’s a way to create things that can surprise and challenge ourselves and others.


The Book


Serenade and Aubade