The Other Side

David B.

  • This photo is about perspective. You can see things as they are or as they aren’t. When you look at this your eyes probably aren’t drawn to the right side because it has no color but that is closer to how it was in real life. in real life the sky wasn’t blue. When I took this picture I only saw it as the right side. I thought it wouldn’t turn into anything good. but the more I edited it the more I came to enjoy it, but maybe I think it’s better than it actually is. I’ve always found this concept interesting whether to look at something as it is and be realistic or be optimistic and see the good parts of things even if they aren’t there. There are definitely arguments for both but we are getting too far into philosophy instead of photography.

  • For me creativity is whatever you want. The important part is freedom. Your elementary school art teachers will tell you there are no wrong answers in art but that’s not true. The wrong answer is a piece you don’t believe in.


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