Repeated Heartbreak

Joselyn P.

  • I had an assignment last year about making a circular narrative. When we were brainstorming, I had an idea of heartbreak, but i thought that making about romance would be too simple/cliche. I then had an idea of doing a child staring at a broken heart, which they proceed to tries their best to fix it up. They’re giving their heart, love, and care to an adult they trust. But the adult is uncaring and yet, the child can’t help but love them and continue to try and please them. I felt that a story about the pain that children can suffer from people who weren’t meant to be parents. Children not knowing any better, place their love to a person that doesn’t want it. I made a folded heart out of paper as a visual heart and desaturated everything else to make it stand out.

  • To me, creativity means being able to think of different ideas, be curious, and figure out how to express those ideas, whether it’s a story, a concept, or a solution.


Hillside Residence

