Out the Abyss

Leo F.

  • While sleeping on my couch, I woke up and realized I had overslept since I left school. As I looked out my window I saw that the day had been over and I had woken up at midnight. For an attempt to waste my energy I decided to go for a walk, while grabbing my camera on my way out. I took many pictures that night, but one thing took my eye. I choose to take a picture of these stay out signs I saw on the side of a wooden fence. Due to the dark atmosphere, it gave the photo an eerie feeling that I really liked.

  • Creativity to me means trying new things out and seeing things differently. It’s about making original stuff that stands out and resonates with yourself and other people. It’s about experimenting, taking opportunities, and finding inspiration in the places around you, and looking for all the ways to express different ideas.


Novato High Sunset


capitol building