Meandering Eyes

Santiago C.

  • My image is titled ”Meandering Eyes.” It is a piece of photography that subtly symbolizes wonder and serenity. I believe my cat was the perfect subject for this photo because she curiously observes and understands the world around her. In a way, this reflects our human tendency to meander, exploring our surroundings with curiosity and seeking inspiration for life. Everyone should embrace their curiosity and foster creativity. Wonder is a significant aspect of the human mind, and everyone needs to experience it. This sense of wonder can arise from various sources, such as exploring nature, creating art like paintings or sculptures, or whatever one may find interesting or lively.

  • Creativity means perceiving something with your eyes and envisioning how you can modify, shape, or transform it to create an abstract “composition.” One can think of creativity as an empty canvas. Like a painter, a person finds inspiration in various sources such as people, animals, and objects.


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