Cut and Paste

Myldret V.

Guache on watercolor paper, collage, Mod Podge, paint marker on paper

  • This piece reflects my own struggles with body image and acceptance of my own physique. It also addresses how women are constantly being placed various standards on body image and the idea of being a woman. I reflect this in the collage by adding a woman with children in the collage representing the expectation of women to be mothers, paired with fragments featuring models and nude bodies which represent the standard of beauty women are held to. The focal point is created by contrast between black and white collage and the painting in full color. A red dress is used because of the over-sexualized connotations that the color and tight clothing have been given. This piece demonstrates how we are oversaturated with opposing points of how a woman should be, the main person pasting various pieces that don’t go together as how beauty trends pick what features are desirable.

  • To me, creativity is the ability to make something that creates a solution, or presents an idea or concept. It could be a visual medium, or solving a problem unconventionally, Creativity is not limited to art, but is also part of how we resolve day-to-day issues and inconveniences.




Eating yourself alive with fear