Canciones from the Beginning of a Life

Serafina M.

  • These two poems show two really interesting parts of my life. The first poem was written in August of this year as a reflection of the feelings I was going through at that time. The second poem which I have named Mixta was from this past spring where I was feeling really excited about my spoken word poetry and really proud of my family. These two poems show how someone’s life can change so fast in less than a year. Life is full of ups and downs. Poems are my outlet for the times in my life that love is held and that pain is held. These poems both were fueled by a lot of emotion. I hope you enjoy them!

  • Creativity means a freedom to express my emotions. It means to feel excited to push myself out of my boundaries and explore the way I personally create my writing. You should be proud of your creativity because it helps you do everything. Creativity is such a beautiful thing to see.


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