Anthopleura Elegantissima

Elizabeth S.

  • When I took this photo, I was exploring Muir Beach with my friends. It was truly an adventure, but one of the things that sparked the most curiosity that day was the sea anemones. I knew I needed to take a photo so I could never forget these strange but beautiful alien-like ocean flower creatures. They were so vibrant in color and smooth, but when I touched them their tentacles stuck to my fingers or they curled up, so different from everything around them. When I look at this photo, it not only takes me back to the happiness I felt that day but also to that feeling of awe and curiosity that the Anthopleura Elegantissima continues to inspire.

  • Creativity, as a photographer is being able to capture a moment in reality and/or modify it in a way that is original & unique. Imagining visual and distorting reality by using an image to create it. A piece that is different from others, the average person has not seen it before.


the essence of life


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