An Unlucky Girl In An Unlucky World
Aanya C.
An Unlucky Girl In An Unlucky World is a reflection on my cancer diagnosis during a time when I was deeply struggling with my cultural and spiritual identity. I wrote this piece to process the conflicting pieces of my identity; American, Indian, girl, cancer patient, student, daughter, friend, and more. I tried to portray the narrator (who is me but also not quite) as a complex character - one that deals with her pain in both a raw, emotionally vulnerable way, as well as one who copes with a deeply off-putting sense of humor.
Creativity is the purest expression of human thought. Its beauty is in its scope: the thoughts expressed can either be banal or revolutionary, yet the end output has the potential to change lives. I believe humans live to consume the creations, thoughts, and ideas of others - to share creativities.