A Silent Dream
Dalia B.
Graphite Pencil
My art reflects my parents living in America as first generation immigrants. My dad came to America alone because he could not afford to support my mom right away. My parents faced struggles of being at a distance so my dad was pressured to make enough to reunite with her, leading to restless nights. When my mom came to America, many people harassed her because of her accent even though she could speak basic English. Consequently, they were stressed with their green cards, taxes, family, etc. My goal was to emphasize that immigrants face much racism and have a very hard time adapting because they feel alone with their family not being there for them. Rather than if one’s family already grew up in America, they would have love and support near them, something many can not have. I am grateful for my parents so I can nourish here.
Creativity is way to express one’s emotional and intellectual thinking, usually in a form of art. This can be used to bring light to topics that are too powerful to just be said. Everyone imagines and thinks differently, which makes the human mind, the creator, a blessing.