Wired in the Web

Aliah M.

Black Pen, sharpie, mechanical pencil

  • A show called "Serial Experiments Lain" inspired me to draw this artwork. The show was about a girl named "Lain" who slowly became obsessed with technology and she soon discovered "The Wired" which is a virtual world accessed through a "Navi", one of the many computers Lain built. I liked it because the show talked about Lain's spiral into questioning her identity as she became lost in the Wired, and the show brings out a message of overconsumption in the internet and the affects on one's identity. That is why my piece is called "Wired in the Web", the "Wired" is like connections and the "Web" is like the media, or the internet. The girl on the piece is representing that overconsumption of the internet, and wires are coming out of her because all her technology is turning into her, which is why she is shown saying "what am I?" as she is losing a part of her identity (both literally and figuratively).

  • What creativity means to me is expressing your true identity with no restrictions or letting other external/internal forces stop you. Creativity is diverse and comes in many forms, but one important thing is it must give you happiness and value which reminds you to appereciate who you are.


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