Window To Heaven

Arianna B.

  • This photograph was taken within Casa Batllo in Barcelona, Spain. While walking around the beautiful house created by one of the most inspirational artistic figures in Spain, Antoni Gaudí, I got inspired by the architecture and look of the house, as he used lighting and color to reflect his creative endeavors with the house. In this photograph, you see the magnificent turquoise and blue tile walking you right up to the windows facing each other in the long space that goes from the top to the bottom of the house, and the large window panels on the roof, giving light to a once dark space. The use of light and dimension in the image almost creates an illusion that is fascinating to the eye. Although this was taken on a film camera, I was still hoping to get the same color and grain that original film has because this house was made for the long lost art of film, for the people who want to create art within their community and branch out and find new ways of showcasing their art form. I was so happy to see the final outcome of this picture after its long travel back to America, where it was developed and could be shown to the world. That is the amazing thing about film, you never know how the picture is going to come out, and this was one that was just absolutely stunning.

  • To me, creativity is a feeling that sparks deep inside when there is inspiration around. I find that I am my most creative when I am surrounded by the people and places I love because it allows me to see the beauty of the world and my creative side.




Fire of Light