Time Flies

Durga K.

Gouache, alcohol markers, colored pencils, pens.

  • Time is a landscape, and each one is painted differently for everyone. Time is like water, rippling under our touch, but unbreachable all the same. It is solemn and endless. Above time's glassy surface we run, painting and moving, hardly stopping to rest. Only when the details of our landscape have flown away do we look at the painting we have created. The glowing memories have escaped into the depths of the past, and so we notice its absence. Many different memories paint time’s landscape. Sad memories can cast somber shadows upon a landscape, but the glowing fireflies of a good memory can light up even the most light-devoid places. Our focus on these pleasant places can give us respite where we can sit down and watch, just for a little. Perhaps a short respite can light up our own landscape, where we can be a source of joy to ourselves. This is an illustration of rest in a forest of faded memories, where the painter of her own landscape finally finds time to see what she has created. Her joy reflects on the area around her, making her landscape softer. Fireflies of core recollections, time’s unfathomable depth, a dark sheen over her environment, and the painter herself, finding joy in what she has created. This is not just a metaphor. This is how time flies.

  • I have seen creativity as a facet of my mind, where expression and seriousness can meet. Engaging in art allowed me to bring what I envision to life. Art and creativity are pillars of innovation, a support with which I hope to stand.


Time's Arch


Thinking Toddler