The Tejedora de Tradition

Leisar G.

Framed canvas 30" X 40" Acrylic Paint

  • I gave the title “The Tejedora de Traditions’’ to my painting for the reason that younger generations do not always want to continue with the traditions of their ancestors, however, in my painting, there is a young woman weaving a traditional Guatemalan fabric. To me, she is a woman who found strength in her cultural traditions. To me, this represents opportunities for other people too. The subject of this painting is the women. She represents the hope that individuals will choose to embrace and preserve their traditions. I decided to represent this young girl who is weaving small strings into strong fabric. We all know that in society women and indigenous people tend to be discriminated against and their values that they have are trampled on just because of who they are, and how they were born. My painting symbolizes hope for people to get beyond this discrimination and find purpose in their roots. They can use the past to develop their future, and show the world that they matter. My painting has many bright colors and various textures, just like the diversity of people who are in this world. Cultures alone are beautiful, but even better and stronger when woven together. The small strings create bigger and more beautiful patterns. Each thread keeps its color and texture, but when they and all put together they make beautiful harmonious designs.

  • Creativity, to me, is a way I can express my feelings, and work out my problems. Everyone has a part of their heart that is creative, but some people have trouble finding that spark. To me that spark is everything, it is about purpose, meaning, and feeling.




The Joker