The house down the street

James J.

  • I got the inspiration to take this photo from another photographer named Todd Hido. I really like his photos of Bay Area houses at night, and this was my attempt at trying to recreate that. The photo has added grain because I really like how it adds to the texture and sort of eeriness of the photo. When first taking the photo of this house, I actually did it on film. I asked my mom for her old film camera and went to our local camera store and bought a roll of film. I had shot on film previously but never at night, so it was really fun and challenging for me not to know what the photo was going to turn out looking like. However, the photos I captured of this house on film were all very over or under exposed, which was a disappointment to me, but it's also part of the learning process, and I appreciate the fact that when taking photos on film, you don't know what the picture is going to look like until its been developed. Even though my film photos didn't come out the best, I still liked them and wanted to see what they could have looked like, so I went back to the same house with my digital camera and took a photo, and I am very pleased with how it came out.

  • Creativity, to me as a photographer, means the ability to capture emotions, stories, beauty, and moments in a unique and compelling way that can't really be replicated. To me, creativity is about pushing the boundaries of visual expression to evoke powerful feelings, emotions, and connections through my lens.




Umbrella Series