The Female Experience

CONTENT WARNING: This artwork contains or explores content that touches on any of the following topics: abuse (physical, sexual, emotional, verbal); aspects of psychology and mental health and contains depictions of self-harm, substance abuse, eating disorders, or suicide; swears or curses; hurtful or hateful language; discrimination (race, color, national origin, religion, sex, gender identity, pregnancy, disability, sexual orientation); aspects of pregnancy; blood, violence, assault, kidnapping, trauma, or dying. Please read or view with care.


Lilly B.

Visual Art

  • I created this artwork for an assignment in my english class. Based on The House On Mango Street we were told to create a piece of art that represented the female experience. I used quotes from the book, well known sayings, and songs I felt fit the prompt. Drawing on my own experiences I began to create my piece using elements such as water colors, craft paper, markers. The craft paper accentuates the wounds left by each experience and the effects on her life. Each pattern was chosen with great care to represent the loss of innocence, femininity , dreams. One such wound left by the dagger of society displays writing, which is the main characters biggest coping mechanism. The girls head is pictured as a brick wall symbolizing how many close themselves off to the world due to such experiences. I chose colors that are significant in the novel to paint the girls body. Then I highlighted words with red pen to have a greater impact. Lastly, I left the girl in my art faceless and nameless so, the viewer could see themself in my art no matter what they look like.

  • Creativity to me means the freedom to express yourself in anyway you want. To be creative one must not have to have a certain brain or characteristics but simply want to share their story with others. This could be through arts like videography and drawing or sciences such as engineering.


The Woman Warped


Self Portrait Expression