Taylor Swift

Molly N.

Graphite pencils, Willow Charcoal, Charcoal

  • Taylor Swift has been my role model and idol for a really long time. I wanted to honor her and everything she does with this portrait. Originally I referenced her All Too Well short film premiere headshot from 2022. The creative process for this piece was one of the hardest I have ever dealt with. Honoring her meant everything to me so I feared in messing up. Now of course this actually set me back and my fears would force me to just sit and stare at the blank sketch instead of continuing. An obstacle that made this even more difficult for me was ADHD. It is extremely hard for us with ADHD to focus on the same piece of art for a long amount of time and to not give up on it. I think that's another reason on why this is one of my proudest projects, I kept going even with these struggles. Overcoming big obstacles is something I take pride in and hope to inspire others with. I believe we are all capable of anything if we put our mind to it. This is something I feel Taylor Swift represents as well, which is so inspirational.

  • In my mind, creativity is the art of being able to think outside of the box while using your imagination. Nobody's creativity can ever be wrong either, it's a personal thing.


Temple Bodies


Taste of Beast Boy