So Young, So Little Time.

Andy G.

  • This was taken on a great day with my cousins. It was a Friday in the county fair having a great time with my cousin. I brought my camera to capture memories and to see if I can get a good photo. Having a great time and taking a step back from all of my unnecessary thought of stress went all away as I was in the moment the whole day truly enjoying the night, seeing friends and eating good food. Seeing people every year change as we meet up again in the fair is something that surprises me every time. It makes me think about how every year is a another year we grow older and more mature, just the thought that everyone’s life moves so quickly and that we all have our own thing going on really made me think and appreciate the things around me. It made me feel that we had so much time to joke around and have fun as kids, but also made me think about all the time I have as an adult. I felt as if I had all the time in the world, but at the same time I felt that there was not enough time. That is why I called it “So Young, So Little Time”. The spinning of the ride and the people around us are all young living life the way the way it is, and hopefully living it to its fullest because you might blink & it’s gone.

  • What creativity means to me is the power of showing your experiences, emotions, happiness, struggles, achievements etc. In any way shape or form. It helps people understand and appreciate someone’s story or imagination in a way that words just can’t describe. It is truly something that is unique for everyone!




Cotton Candy Skies