Shining City Lights

Louka W.

  • My artwork was created on the way home in San Francisco after watching the SF giants play, my first time fully watching baseball ever. This picture is taken right next to the beach, facing the cars, and beautiful lights and buidlings of San Francisco at night. I put the camera on a long stone bench so that it would be able to stabalize and not moving when taking this picture. I pointed it to the streets to have the stunnng bright scenery with the tall buildings and a nice landscape,. My friend then helped me draw out a person in the middle of the picture with a flashlight by tracing my position for around half a minute. The low position of the camera makes the picture able to digest all of the details from the groud up of the big city. The amoung of lights at this position also complement and help positively luminate the groud and picture itself.

  • It means making something interesting and unique to the eyes of people. Something that has made or is different that most people would have not thought of.


A Rock in Golden Tranquility

