SF/OAK Ferry Ride

Morena P.

  • i took this photo while I was on a ferry ride back to my hometown from a run in the city with my cross country team. At the time, I was sure that I would miss the moment to take this photo because of a group selfie happening right when I needed to take the shot, but I managed to take this photo at just the right time to get the top of the bay bridge in frame as well. It was a very happy happenstance, and it made for an equally nice print. It reminds me of how proud I am of living in the bay area, which sounds super cheesy, but it's true.

  • Creativity means the ability to feel and think for yourself, to be able to create things that no one else could. It's the way that we are able to make such beautiful pieces of artwork in the world, and why I feel so compelled to photograph the things I see.




El Color de la Vida