
Elaine Z.


  • I've always been fascinated with the importance of material objects in everyday life. Most people don’t really pay attention to things around them, but every object tells a story, whether that be an old stuffed animal, a random t-shirt, or the Sprite at the back of the fridge. These objects show who you are; they represent one’s interests and hobbies, their routine, community, past, etc. - everything that makes up their identity and history. With this piece, I sought to explore how ingrained electronics have become in the modern day. The amount of screens emphasizes their importance, and the images on the screens show a glimpse into the subjects life. I used graphite, a black and white medium, in order to really emphasize the harsh contract between the dark room and the blinding light from the screens. That, in addition to the hand reaching out of the screen, represent the harm that these particular objects can bring to our physical and mental wellbeing despite how vital they have become.

  • Creativity is a form of self-expression that allows me to communicate my thoughts and ideas. I'm able to turn my imagination into reality and create something completely original and new, unique to my life and experiences.


America - The Promise Land


Sweet Sour Summers