
Elijah C.

  • This photograph is of a sandbag wall in front of my house that had a mix of white and orange sandbags. I had attempted to use other subjects but I wasn't happy with the results I had been getting. I had spent some time just strolling around my house with my camera when I noticed the sandbag wall. I am a big fan of high contrast and black and white photography since there is something so timeless about it. I figured that this contrast between the orange sandbags and the other white sandbags would make a really nice subject. I took this picture in as neutral light as I could get since I didn't want any strong light to take away from the natural contrast of colors. After I took the photo I edited it in Lightroom. I had taken a community collage class over the summer on photography and it had taught me to use Lightroom and other useful photographic knowledge. After putting this and a few other images in lightroom I made the image black and white except for the orange sandbag. I not only did this to maximize the contrast between the sandbag and its background, but also to allow the image to pop out from the crowd. The orange is eye catching since it isn't surround by other colors to distract you. After all my editing I decided this was the best image and I hope you do too.

  • Creativity to me is the ability to make something that is uniquely yours, whether it be a photograph, painting, dance, etc.



