Road Back to Nature

Elan S.

  • In this photo, I attempted to capture the duality between human adventurousness and nature's raw beauty. While walking back to my car from a hike, I witnessed this beautiful moment in which a thin blanket of clouds, vibrantly lit up by the setting sun, seemed to be flying over this valley. Knowing that this ethereal sight would be gone forever in just a few minutes, I took out my camera and began photographing it. Each click of the shutter felt like a preservation of time, freezing the ephemeral beauty of the clouds dancing above the landscape. As the sun dipped lower on the horizon, I became more attuned to the nuances of light and shadow. The scene became a visual dialogue between the untamed wilderness and the adventurous spirit of the human observer. Amidst the various perspectives I explored, it was the worm's eye view that resonated most profoundly with the essence of the moment. Crouching down, I framed the scene from the ground up, capturing the convergence of earth and sky. The juxtaposition of the rough, textured ground against the smooth, celestial expanse added an additional layer of depth to the composition. It was as if the very fabric of the natural world unfolded before me, inviting contemplation on the intricate balance between the tangible and the intangible.

  • To me, creativity means the exploration of one's emotions and curiosities in both the real and mental world. Whether it is through photography, music, or other, creativity allows me to express my emotions and process how I feel while sharing beauty with the world.




In Time