rising from my corners

Thanisha K.

  • When I first began my eating disorder, I broke down every month, knowing it was wrong and I should launch out of the cycle. I knew that the social media I was consuming was harming me and eating me up from the inside. But, it called to me at every turn and I could not let it go. Surprisingly, social media helped me make my recovery. One of my best friends is from an eating disorder support group founded on a social media platform. The poem represents my experiences and the raw feelings I had while both going through the disorder and coming out of it. It was not hard and relapses occurred, more often than I would have liked them to. Pressure from my parents came as stress from my school began increasing but this poem is my way of claiming and owning my recovery and proving that it happened and that I know that I can do it.

  • Creativity, to me, means using the spark that comes from within you and from your experiences and translating it into real life. Creativity allows me to be curious, to explore, to ideate, to innovate, and to inspire; it essentially is the ability to see ideas where none exist.


Mable the Fantasy Electrician

