
Hannah R.

Starburst wrappers, gouache paint, colored pencils

  • Humans are constantly making things that will outlast them, from the plastic goods that don't break down, to the infrastructure of our world, and even the food we eat. Simultaneously, we are always trying to extend our own lifespans, and push our own expiration date back. This piece I’ve made, titled Perishables, is a collection a 4 collages of starburst wrappers and painted food products. A set of 4 worked well, aided by the 4 colors of wrappers. I used stereotypical hallmarks of advertisements—bright colors, bold text, and flashy accents—to enhance the plastic commercialized feeling of our food these days. In each one, I’m able to think through different aspects of processed food, like the way it is preserved in a can or how sometimes it simply doesn’t decompose at all. Inspired by videos of hamburgers that never rot, the expiration dates listed on the side of a can years in the future, and plastic packing all our food can be found in, I was intrigued by the idea that the foods we have grown and processed to sustain ourselves could still be here long after we’re gone.

  • Creativity is a way to both express myself and work through different ideas or struggles I might have. It can be fun, it can be cathartic, and it's something I use in every aspect of my life, from problem-solving, to writing, and making art.


Fleeting Whimsy


Parallel Realities