Painted Ladies

Danielle M.

Acrylic on canvas

  • My inspiration behind painting the famous painted ladies located in SF, comes from the unique structure and color of the buildings. I wanted to try and recreate the colorful houses, in a way that looked warm, bright, and welcoming. I used a mixture of pasteles to recreate the beautiful paneling and a mixture of liquin and black paint to make shadows. Furthermore, the intricate design of the houses caught my attention because of its unique style which was something I wanted to bring light too. Many houses aren’t designed like that of the painted ladies, so I wanted to recreate the colorful scene, which feels very bright and friendly. I first started out by taking a photo which I later framed and traced to capture all of the details. Then I used a variety of pasteles, mixed out of acrylic paint to create the base layer. After that I used small brushes to capture the intricate designs, and used a mixture of liquin and black paint to layer on top to make shadows, without completely covering up the work underneath.

  • Creativity means displaying my imagination and perspective on life through artwork. It’s also a way to express myself, and bring to life memories. Furthermore, it’s a way to have fun and try different things that people haven’t yet discovered.


Looking Forward


Vanishing Boats