One Way

April C.

Pencil and ballpoint pen on sketchbook paper, touch ups digitally, reference photo used for the person's figure.

  • Originally, this piece was started as nothing more then another prompt for a monthly challenge, day number 15, Arrows. Yet, it ended up evolving into a social commentary piece on the nature of our environments, that there are certain predetermined paths, our "one way" road, due to constraints, including (and not limited to) race, class, gender, and sexuality. The piece itself, titled One Way, (refering to the road sign that indicates as such) represents that struggle in fighting against these constraints, and how it can become nearly impossible to travel in a different direction without being met with opposition, or The Arrows. I chose to depict the person’s form as seemingly stiff, in the effect that the arrows are not met with a retaliation in their body, as I wanted to make in clear that the pain of these arrows was more of a mental struggle, as opposed to a physical wound. The arrows come at their legs, to keep them from traveling further, their stomach, to somehow guilt them into going back, and most notably, their heart. To break down their being. And I chose to counter this with the person’s tiny arrows as they keep their gaze forward and their arm reaching out. A slow tear trickling down their cheek pulling their emotional turmoil forward. This piece marked the start to my fasination with social commentary through artwork, and it carries the inspiration for more pieces to a similar theme of societal constraints and legal signs.

  • Creativity is a way to express your emotions to yourself and to express them to the people around you. It encourages a critical mindset and inspires connection. Personally, I have found my voice through my art, and through the creative efforts of others, and my life shines so much brighter.


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