
Jacob N.L.

  • I took this photo during my first and sole visit to New York City, and I was completely awestruck throughout my trip. In Times Square especially I must have looked like a deer in headlights, as the slew of supersized billboards and neon lights was overwhelming to say the least. However, surrounded by the bustling chaos of Broadway Ave, one man stood completely still in a crosswalk, calmly talking on the phone. Though the light was green and pedestrians were crossing, all gave a wide berth so as not to disturb him. It was almost surreal.

  • Creativity to me is the idea of pure, unfettered expression of mind, body, and spirit. Creativity doesn't follow any given script, but rather carves its own path. As my creative outlet, photography relies on split-second decisions, and encourages you to be constantly present during each moment of your life.


Late Night Pizza


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