New Year’s Exchange

Wendy L.

gouache, construction paper, acrylic, watercolor, pen

  • In this work, I tried to convey the struggle of being an Asian American with the juxtaposition of the American bill and the Chinese bill behind the red envelopes. Every Chinese New Year, my family gives put red envelopes to close family and friends, and I was inspired by my experiences with receiving American bills from my family in America, and Chinese bills from my family in China. I often find myself stuck between both parts of my identity, and ponder the question if I could be fully welcome the Asian part of my identity while also being American at the same time. Contrastingly, this piece also represents the ultimate embracing of my Asian American identity, as I’ve grown and come to realize that my identity being both Asian and American has shaped my personal experiences and connection with others around me.

  • Creativity means being able to express myself and let loose. It means letting the unpredictability of art guide me and ultimately creating something true to myself.


New Year's Feast


My Heart