My Sister Dyed Her Hair Green

Claire B.

  • My sister and I have grown up the same, followed the same path, and could even, at times, read each other’s minds, yet we have become vastly different people. We had the same eyes, the same nose, the same freckles, but as I grew older and she followed suit, our differences were exposed and we grew apart. The relationship between sisters is nuanced and ever changing, but with me and my sister we could always depend on each other when we really needed it. This piece is based on a mundane, but significant interaction between me and my sister when she messed up when dying her hair. Through the sisters Amy and Maddie’s conversations it is revealed that Maddie is insecure about how people perceive her. Amy and Maddie, much like me and my sister, don’t often talk about not superficial things, so this is a profound realization for Amy. Amy knows now that Maddie is insecure and unhappy, and she wants to support her. Amy does not know how to help Maddie, so she does the one thing she can, which is fixing Maddie’s hair carefully. This piece shows the strong bond between sisters, even when they have grown apart, and I wrote this piece because I wanted to capture the moment when I realized this in my own relationship with my sister.

  • To me, creativity is bringing your thoughts and emotions out into the world, and revealing them and making them understandable through art. Creativity is an outlet, but it is also a way to understand yourself better and connect with other artists.


the end
