Look for Me Under Your Boot-Soles

Penelope L.

  • The concept behind my photo was inspired by Walt Whitman's poem entitled "Song of Myself." Whitman discusses the importance of appreciating the world in its natural beauty. How this is the only way we as people can achieve true happiness. With the new technological advancements we have made in the past couple decades, I rarely see people admiring something as simple as a spear of grass penetrating the water surface. In this, it is easy to forget that we were created above the earth and we will die beneath the earth, and as we decompose, the bodies we leave behind will be the fuel and nutrients for new life. “I bequeath myself to the dirt to grow from the grass I love, If you want me again look for me under your boot-soles.” I think of death fondly, for in its rebirth, my bones will feed the worms who create the dirt that will be carried on the boot-soles of my great grandchildren for generations to come. This cyclic and wonderful world is something to be cherished and appreciated. This picture captures a woman who has recently passed. As she looks into the pond, she does not see her reflection, she has died. But, she does see the water, the soil, the leaves quivering in the wind. The fact that she is dead does not concern her, for she knows she will be immortalized in all of the nature that surrounds her.

  • I don't like the word "Creative" because, in this world, it isn't enough to just "create." You need to do what nobody else is doing, to push boundaries, to question everything around you, to never stop asking why, and more importantly "How?" Without curiosity, there is no motivation for creativity.


self portrait


Rainy Nights