Like a Moth to the Flame

Edain B.

charcoal and white cante

  • To make this piece I used Cante and charcoal. I spent 6-7 hours on it as it was a relatively medium sized paper. While working on the piece I thought about a lot of suspenseful emotions and painful things in my life in order to put my emotion into the piece. This piece represents a feeling of suspense or tension within a person. Waiting for the match to hit their finger tips and burn them. They know it will hurt and they know it will leave a scar, yet they still allow it. Why is that? Why do we as people waiting in suspense for the pain we know is coming? Why must we act so surprised when that pain does come? I don’t have an answer. I just have the art I’ve made to express it. The title, “Like a Moth to the Flame” represents how we, like moths to a flame, chase after the things in life we know will hurt us in order to get that moment of happiness, minute of adrenaline.

  • To me, creativity means the way a person represents and lets out their emotions. To be creative, it is impossible to ignore your emotions from your art, it will always find its way into your art.


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