
Hayli C.

Colored pencil, watercolor, acrylic paint

  • This piece was an assignment in which I was tasked to combine two animals to create a mythological creature. I wanted to use animals that were very different in size, ability, and habitat. So, I chose a kangaroo, a powerfully strong animal that lives in arid grasslands, and a chameleon, a small and adaptable reptile that can reside in rainforests. My main goal of this project was to include the most defining features of each animal into one: the kangaroo's strong tail, muscular legs, and pouch, and the chameleon's color-changing scales and three-fingered hands.

  • To me, creativity means the ability to let your mind roam free. Creativity means that I have the ability to explore and challenge my ideas in a way that allows me to express myself and my ideas.


koi pond

