Is it Enough?

Hannah L.

  • This picture represents most people’s weapon of choice: makeup. Makeup is the semi-invisible shield that creates a level of safety. It is used by some to cover up their insecurities and put on a mask of armor to confront the world. A face. There are many different reasons people wear makeup everyday, for example, insecurities. However, I focused on the way people hide their insecurities using it. I chose the title ”Is It Enough?” because this applies to me and to many others, you can feel like you are just your looks, and I wanted to depict that idea of self reflection and worth in my image. Some young people can try new things, like makeup. I wanted to show that through my work as one of the things that happen when a young person is finding themself. The deeper meaning to my photograph is that sometimes young or older people wearing makeup can feel little and not enough without it.

  • To me creativity is expressing myself or ideas through any kind of art. To elaborate, showing things from a new view point and giving something basic a new meaning is what it means to me. It's a way to communicate or send a message without talking about it.


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