
Myla C.B.

  • My photography class and I went on a field trip to this after school program for kids. There we spent time with them, played with them, and they showed us things that they really enjoyed doing! We gave them different types of cameras to play around and take pictures with. Some of the kids ran up to me and yelled “ take a picture of me!” this was one that I took of a little girl. She was sassy but had such great energy. In the photo she looks more innocent and shy. Photography is a great way to show different emotions and feelings. Sometimes you can't tell if someone is sad until you look at a photo.

  • Creativity is a way to show emotion. I’m a singer at SOTA (School Of The Arts) and you can hear and see the emotion and different pieces and styles of singing, but In photography, it's much more meaningful and deeper and you can experiment with different angles, views, and colors!


Greatest Art Piece in Human History


Autumn Amber