I'm Not Afraid of Anything by J.R. Brown

Basye M.

  • This is a song from Songs for a New World, a musical by Jason Robert Brown. When I first heard this song, I instantly knew I had to perform it myself. That was a year ago now. The story of the song is more up for interpretation than a traditional musical since it isn’t connected to a larger plot because the musical is in the form of a musical review/song cycle. I interpret the story as a woman grappling with her insecurities and fear; specifically the fear of rejection and fear of being unworthy of love. Recently, I’ve struggled with heightened anxiety and my own insecurities causing me to spiral mentally. So, I wanted to return to this song with a new sense of what the song means to me and what I want to share with the audience. Everyone struggles with feeling insecure and everyone struggles with the fear of being rejected at one point or another, so by singing this song, I hope to connect with even just one person who needs to feel seen.

  • As someone who is very introverted and has struggled with social anxiety, creativity allows me to connect with people and share my ideas and talents. Creativity also enables me to logically problem solve as well as express my emotions and inner thoughts.




Everything is Looking for Something