Hoa Lài: Jasmine Flower

Amber H.

  • "Hoa lài cắm bãi cứt trâu" or "a jasmine flower placed in buffalo dung" is a common Vietnamese phrase used to express pity for beautiful women in ugly situations. In this story, I wanted to share a story of a woman who exchanged her happiness for a financially comfortable life—for both herself and her family. Many Vietnamese women are expected to sacrifice their marriage for the family by marrying into rich families. If they move abroad, they are expected to send money home. Mothers work overtime at nail salons or restaurants not only for their children, but also for their families back in Vietnam despite their ungratefulness. To uphold the image of prosperity, some resort to living a fake life online or avoiding their loved ones all together. As children of immigrants or immigrants ourselves, there is an undeniable distance between parents and children, whether it be a generational gap or a cultural difference. But how often do we stop to explore the other person’s perspective? How often do we share the stories that make us who we are? I wanted to share this fictional story about the struggles of Vietnamese women moving abroad for marriage to shed light on the unrealistic expectations that are held in our home country and the shattering reality of life. I hope we can be more vulnerable with each other to better understand each other. Without judgment. But with love. I hope you enjoyed reading this! Thank you so much for your time.

  • Creativity is the expression of ideas through a medium. Writing pulls out subconscious thoughts from deep within me and weaves it into a full story. It is an unmapped journey of emotions. Where will this story take me? How will I express this? These are the driving questions of creativity.




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