Frozen Droplets

Lindsay B.

  • I’ve been capturing sports for the past three years and as cheesy as it sounds, part of what I love about photography is the ability to freeze a moment in time and capture all of the emotion that is present. Here Oakland Roots SC goalkeeper, Paul Blanchette, pours water over himself prior to the kick-off. You can see the water droplets flying off of him as he shakes his head in an attempt to relax, lit by the stadium lights. The beauty of this nervous, yet human behavior right as the game is about to begin brings a sort of peacefulness despite the suspense, and it pulls you into the moment. Something I also value about photography, is the ability to transport the viewer into that exact fraction of a second which is especially valuable with capturing sports. I hope that with this photo, you too can feel the anticipation present as the game was about to begin in this split second.

  • Because so many important sports moments happen in a split second, much of sports photography is focused on capturing that one moment. To me, creativity is part of how those moments can be captured, whether that’s by choosing certain camera settings, composition, or with the images’ final edits.


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